
website design

J.W. Webb, Fantasy Writer


J.W. Webb, a storyteller known for his epic fantasy series, The Legends of Ansu, asked us to design a new website to sell his books, keep his readers informed, and house supplementary material concerning the world of Ansu. The Goal One of J. W. Webb’s goals was to be able [...]

Booth Western Art Museum


We have spent many enjoyable hours exploring the impressive and varied exhibits at Booth Western Art Museum, so we were very excited when they asked for our help on their website redesign. One of the main goals of the redesign was to modernize the look and feel of the site [...]

Critical Building Solutions

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Critical Building Solutions asked us to create a logo design & website design to showcase their company's services. The Goal Our goal for Critical Building Solutions's projects was to create a clean visual identity that reflects their standards for high quality. Critical Building Solution's goal is to [...]

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