Project Details


Project Description

J.W. Webb, a storyteller known for his epic fantasy series, The Legends of Ansu, asked us to design a new website to sell his books, keep his readers informed, and house supplementary material concerning the world of Ansu.

The Goal

One of J. W. Webb’s goals was to be able to sell his books on his own website in addition to online stores, so we integrated e-commerce capabilities in the new site. Another important goal was to showcase the beautiful Legends of Ansu artwork and maps, some of which were created by Roger Garland, a well-regarded Tolkien illustrator. The blog was another important feature of the website, both as a way to keep J.W. Webb’s readers informed of new releases and as a way to share the extensive backstory and intricate mythology of Ansu. The website even includes a helpful historical timeline that provides context for The Legends of Ansu series and displays each book alongside the timeline in the relevant period, making it easy to know which book to purchase next.

Features used: contact form, slideshow, photo gallery, blog & news articles, e-commerce.