The Lara J Designs Logo Redesign
In 2023, after 15 years in business, Lara Jeanneret, [...]
A Holiday Greeting from Lara J Designs
At Lara J Designs, we have a deep appreciation for [...]
Lesser Violetear Hummingbird
Colibri cyanotus The Lesser Violetear is a medium-size hummingbird [...]
Blue Jay
Cyanocitta cristata The blue jay is a passerine bird [...]
Violet-Green Swallow
Tachycineta thalassina The Violet-Green Swallow is a relatively small Northwest [...]
European Starling
Sturnus vulgaris The European Starling is a beautiful bird found [...]
Paradise Tanager
Tangara chilensis The Paradise Tanager is a vibrantly colored [...]
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Lara J Designs Holiday Cookie Recipe
This holiday season the Lara J Designs team decided to [...]
Graphic Designer & Entrepreneur Career Day video
Hi there! Our owner, Lara Jeanneret, was asked to create [...]